'Opportunities come only once. And if they do appear twice, it won’t be the same as it did the first time.'
The idea here now is that, when my impulsivity didn’t cut in
through, and i just missed a big fish- am i worth having the second chance?
They say to be successful, you have to eat your pride for
breakfast- do what you’ve never done before and say what you’ve never said
before. Then, above everything else, don’t care about sh*t coming from everyone
else’s mouth so as long as you’re not stepping on anybody else.
And right here, right now i’m telling everyone this – i’m
leaving. I’ve finally decided that i’m leaving.
No, i’m not leaving like some people did. And no, i don’t
have anything against those people.
Joining into this venture will always be the BEST decision i’ve ever
made in my life and no one can ever make me change my mind. It offers the
BIGGEST, BADDEST possibilities in life and i know that i am one of the luckiest
people in this planet to have found this amazing gift from God. The only sad
thing here is that, not everyone is up for it. People come and go. And the sad
thing here is, they leave not only the people, but their dreams as well. I’ve
already forgotten how it feels to be angry because the only emotion i feel
right now is melancholy that they didn’t last ‘til they get a grasp of their
dreams. My joining may have brought a few perks to some people and I’m keeping
it only until that. I don’t intend to stay for their sake.
I’m not washing my hands clean, i was part of their race.
But joining into this venture was their own decision... and, so was leaving. People can keep pointing their
fingers but i hope they realize that i was only a teacher- it’s not my
responsibility to read your books for you, nor to answer your examination
papers. And like every teacher in this planet, i cannot control your will to
listen simply because i don’t own your ears. The decision to run the race is
theirs because i never held their legs.
And probably the only blame i can take is that i was never
able to show them how big this is- and that it’s worth every wound they get.
No, i’m not leaving like some people did. I don’t want to be
called a loser- simply because i’m not. And it’s not just because i know people
will be talking behind my back, laughing at me like i’m some sh*t. I have my
pride and i can’t ever accept the idea of people laughing at me and talking to me
with sarcasm written over their foreheads. I am the queen of sarcasm, and the
goddess will always be me when i’m in my 40’s.
No, i’m not leaving like some people did. My reasons and
dreams are much bigger than people’s judgment, superficial thoughts, naive
ideas and stereotypical wonders. And i understand why it’s easier for people to
just accept what they have now than to gamble for better things in life- i
should know, i was one of them before. But for the past months i’ve spent with
the most amazing people on earth, i realized how amazing the world really is. I’ve
realized that there are billions of possibilities. Why bother settling for dirt
when you can have the Caribbean sands? Why bother settling for puddles of mud
when you can have the Pacific ocean?
The only thing that kept me from them is probably the idea
that I’m not good enough to have these. Maybe there are people who we’re just
meant for puddles and dirt; that there are people meant to serve tables and not
have their own tables to be served. The question is, are you or are you not one
of them? I most definitely am NOT.
They say grab every opportunity, grab every advantage you
can get. And finally, I’m leaving.
And when i come back, it will be different and it’s going to
take more than sanity to keep everything in place.
Naalis ng may-ari ang komentong ito.